Module 6: Job opportunities 

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Module 6

 The aim of this module is to increase the knowledge and understanding of youth workers about job opportunities in the green economy, and prepare them to run qualified, data-based career guidance with youngsters related to green career opportunities.

Upon module completion, you will be able to:

  • Describe green jobs, and potential for youngsters to pursue green career,
  • Present the most common sectors of green economy and the most demanded green jobs in the market,
  • Explain what competences one must acquire and why, if planning green career, and inform youngster where and how they can build and develop required competences,
  • Present and share best practices and success stories to illustrate benefits and critical success factors of employment in the green economy. 

The module consists of 3 units: I Green Jobs, II Skills and Knowledge required for green career, and III Successful green careers examples.