Green Economy Career Orientation

Join us in our mission to create a better world through sustainable development and increased awareness of the social and climate costs of our economy.

The Need for Awareness in the Green Economy

The green economy needs to be better understood by young people, parents, and career counsellors. Research has found that a lack of awareness and understanding of the green economy and its job opportunities is a major obstacle to youth participation in the sector.

The potential of the green economy and its importance in nowadays societies have been underlined by the current energy crisis, forcing European countries to find solutions for a more efficient, sustainable and greener economy. To address this, young people should be given more knowledge and information about the green economy, its potential for job creation in Europe, and skills to allow them to enter the green labor market.

The Mission

Evidence shows that the green economy is growing significantly. The European Environment Agency found that the green goods and services sector increased by more than 50% between 2000 and 2018, creating over 1.3 million jobs. However, there is still a shortage of skills and an imbalance due to the variability of training about local sustainability. This has affected the potential for growth in green jobs.

The Vision

” The vision of this project is to empower youth with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue careers locally in the rapidly growing green job market. “

General objective of the project is to increase youth engagement in the green economy by:

Knowledge and skills

Provide youth workers with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful career guides for young people to succeed in green careers.


Raise awareness and understanding of the green economy and its potential for employability and job creation among young people.


Address the challenges and barriers young people may face when pursuing green careers in the green economy.

The concrete results of our project are


The manual of good practices offers real-world examples and case studies for successful green careers, serving as a valuable resource for young people, job seekers, educators, and career counsellors.


Our holistic training for youth workers provides knowledge, skills, and resources to guide and support young people in exploring green careers. The training covers industry trends, financial viability, and the social and environmental impact of green careers.


Our methodology for surveying local providers on green job needs and adapting local training will increase youth employment in green careers. The local practical project provides hands-on experience for youth workers.


Dissemination activities throughout the project duration will spread project information and results, exchanging good practices and providing new opportunities for youth to engage in the green labour market.

Our Projects

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Join us in creating a Sustainable Future

Together, we can make a lasting difference for our planet.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Project name: GRECO: Green Economy Career Orientation
Project code: 2023-1-DK01-KA220-YOU-000160430

Cirka Cph